By Capt Vinay Singh
In a display of remarkable professionalism, the Indian Navy successfully rescued Indian seafarers recently from a vessel that had fallen victim to Somali pirates. This intervention not only saved lives but also served as a deterrent against future acts of piracy. The Indian Navy's swift response to the distress call and their subsequent rescue mission showcased the Navy's preparedness and commitment to maritime security.
The incident unfolded when the M.V. Lila Norfolk, a Liberia flagged vessel, sent out a distress call about boarding or 4 or 5 armed intruders. The Indian Navy promptly dispatched a reconnaissance aircraft to track the hijacked ship's location. With valuable information in hand, a naval ship was swiftly deployed to rescue the seafarers and neutralize the threat.
The professionalism and quick thinking of seafarers, who were primarily Indian (15 out of 21), deserves commendation. Their prompt action to seek refuge in the vessel's secure citadel played a crucial role in thwarting the pirates' efforts to take the hijacked ship to Somalia. Citadels, strategically positioned within ships, provide a safe haven equipped with essential survival resources, communication capabilities, and limited remote control of ship operations. The seafarers' vigilance and swift response enabled them to seek shelter in the citadel in a timely manner, ensuring their safety.
Despite the pirates successfully hijacking the vessel, the seafarers' proactive actions prevented the abduction of any hostages. Once the Indian Navy issued a warning to the pirates, they chose to abandon the vessel quietly, avoiding any potential confrontation. The vessel's master, after confirming the safety and security of all on-board personnel, authorized Indian Navy commandos to board the ship. The commandos meticulously searched the vessel to ensure that no pirates were hiding and subsequently sanitized the ship.
The situation could have been much more challenging if hostages were taken, especially on a foreign-flagged vessel. In such cases, securing permission from foreign flag states and vessel owners would be necessary before boarding the ship. Responsible employers of seafarers, like Anglo-Eastern, focus on prevention of such issues by hardening the ships, and adopting dedicated routes to reduce dangers of high-risk areas. Additionally, armed guards are often deployed to deter pirate attacks.
The successful rescue operation by the Indian Navy highlights the importance of international collaboration and continuous efforts to combat piracy. The Indian Navy's professionalism and prompt response have not only saved lives but also sent a strong message to potential pirates that such acts will not go unchecked. The maritime community must remain vigilant and continue to prioritize the safety and security of seafarers, ensuring the smooth functioning of global trade and commerce.
(The author of this article is Hong-Kong based and Group Managing Director - Marine HR, Anglo-Eastern Group)
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